Wednesday 21 August 2013

Businesses New to Live Chat Solutions

The usage of live chat software is on the rise as companies all over the world are embracing live chat solutions. This support system has proved to be very effective due to its characteristics such as real-time communication, which makes it a good choice for companies so that they can provide an engaging experience to their customers. If your company has recently decided to purchase the live chat software it may have some trouble starting up which is why the following list should be followed as a set of guidelines:

  • Know who your target audience is: Depending upon the business you are running, you may direct your web targets towards chats relating to sales or use it as a support tool. You could even decide to do both. Having knowledge about who you would like to chat with and what the conversations will revolve around will be of great help to achieve goals that the company has set.
  • Know your goals: Have a clear set of goals in mind that you want to achieve using live chat solutions. Goals could consist of wanting to increase average order values or increasing the utilization of chat providers handling multiple chats.
  • Know who is going to be answering your chats: It does not matter whether you have a single employee or an entire center full of employees, knowing who will staff your customers is one of the most vital points to consider to ensure a good chat experience for your customers.
  • Know where you are going to place your chat: Visibility is very important. Customers should be able to easily see where the chat button is placed on the website. Keep your goals in mind and consider how you will want to use chat in areas such as the shopping cart or customer support pages that is where the chat button usually works best.
  • Know what the cost is for not doing chat: There are hidden costs of not using live chat support software such as missed sale opportunities or being a competitive differentiator.  Not using live chat could prove to have a greater impact than you may think.

In conclusion, the above guidelines should be kept in mind when starting out to use live chat solutions. Several other advantages can be gained by using live chat and companies are starting to see that.

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